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Athletics » Athletics Home Page

Athletics Home Page

Welcome to PHS Athletics 

Pacifica High School is one of 6 high schools in the Empire League, which follows the rules and regulations of the CIF Southern Section, as well as the National Federation of High Schools.  In the fall of 2024, the Empire league will not longer exist and Pacifica will join 14 other schools to form the new Century Conference League.  We plan to continue to compete in 18 sports throughout 3 seasons of play: Fall, Winter, and Spring and starting next year, will be adding 3 more sports:  Girls' Flag Football (fall), Girls' Golf (fall) and Boys Golf (Spring).  All athletic information can be accessed through the menu tab to the left.  Join our Mariner Mayhem fan group and come to support all of our student athletes!

Athletics Mission Statement

The Mission of Athletics on the campus of Pacifica High School is to promote athletic success, excellence in academics and development of personal character traits. To achieve this goal, the expectation of all Pacifica athletes is to abide by the Principles of “Pursuing Victory with Honor”. The expectation of the Administration, Staff, Community and Families is to encourage and inspire all Athletes in their pursuit of scholarship, sportsmanship, leadership and teamwork. A unified commitment by all participants in Athletics on the campus of Pacifica High School will provide champions of character for today and leaders for the future.

Fall Sports

      -Cross Country
      -Girls' Tennis
      -Girls' Volleyball
      -Boys' Waterpolo
      -Girls' Flag Football
      -Girls' Golf

Winter Sports   

      -Boys'/Girls' Basketball
      -Boys'/Girls' Soccer
      -Girls' Waterpolo
      -Competitive Cheer

Spring Sports   

      -Boys' Tennis
      -Boys' Volleyball
      -Boys'/Girls' Swim
      -Boys'/Girls' Track
      -Boys' Golf

Athletic Directors

At Pacifica High School, we have two Athletic Directors who work together to ensure that our sports programs receive the support they need and deserve.  Below are the sports that each director oversees:
Mr. Garth Anderson Mr. Mike Buenafe
Boys'  & Girls Waterpolo
Boys' & Girls' Volleyball
Cross Country
Boys' & Girls Basketball
Girls Golf
Girls Flag Football
Boys' & Girls' Soccer
Boys' & Girls' Tennis
Please contact Garth Anderson at his email [email protected]
Please contact Michael Buenafe at his email [email protected] 


If you have photos from recent Pacifica sporting events, please email your photos to the Athletic Directors or tag one of our social media pages. We would love to include them on our website, social media platforms and weekly bulletin. Thank you for your involvement!